Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Painting with Light Merged to HDR pro

This picture I am extremely proud of. I used a Cannon Camera and a tripod stand to take the pictures. I waited until it was very dark outside and i let the camera lens stay open for about 1 minute for each picture and while it was open I danced around and made weird designs. After I had them taken, I used Adobe Bridge to merge the pictures to HDR Pro. and from there I edited as I pleased and now, here we are. with a wonderful picture.

Splash Of Color

 With some assistance from my digital imaging teacher, I believe I was able to capture the Style and feel of the picture.
This is my newborn nephew. While holding him I decided, why not capture his cuteness on a camera. I took the Figurative saying, "take a picture, it lasts longer" literally. Unfortunately, the minute the flash went off, he opened his eyes and decided to let out a huge cry. But I think the picture was well worth it.

Photoshop Actions

This is my friend. she let me take a picture of her for my digital imaging assignment. I download an action for Photoshop and used it on the picture I took of her. I think, in my own opinion that the picture turned out wonderful. After the action was completed I touched it up by adding some contrast and brightness to it. Then as the cherry on the top, I did a little Spot healing and Wham! it was completed.